Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Who's Who?

Not much going on at the farm on this dreary, rainy day. It rained from 1:00am this morning until about 8:00am when the sun finally shown it's face. I kept the stall horses in until it stopped raining, hoping to keep them dry. But at about 10:30am the rain started up again! Everyone kept munching their hay so I let them make the choice to stay out. No one seemed bothered by the rain and took turns napping under the cover of the trees.

Last night John and I gave Bodhi and Cas a new round bale. Of course it got drenched in the rain over night and the young boys weren't making a dent in it. So rather than let the wet hay sit around and go to waste, I moved Bodhi, Cas, and JW into Pasture 2 (that's where the bonfires are held) and gave them some fresh hay (but not a full round bale) and moved Betsy, Dancer, Satin, Shellie, Jedi, Ufir, and Molly into Pasture 4 to eat the wet hay. They have already eaten through the moistened hay! Shellie was quite the chicken as we walked from the barn to a *new* pasture. She was asking, "Where are we going? Why are we going this way? Where are my friends? Aaah!" But she's a very good girl and survived walking past the pump house. Dancer followed blindly behind us (I was walking them both, but Dancer decided to trip over folded up tarp, scare herself, and pull out of the rope around her neck. I let her go and she calmly just followed Shellie and I).
Jedi, Ufir, and Molly had a silly gallop around in the new pasture. The three oldies are fun to watch!
Betsy and Satin were lazy and calm as usual and walked together down to the new pasture. They both went straight for the hay and unlike the rest of the herd, they had no desire to gallop around. I told them they were pathetic and that even the 27 year old Jedi got his heart rate up this morning.

Pokey and Goose were served fresh, dry hay in a wheelbarrow. I love watching Goose get snippy with Pokey around their hay. Pokey seems to care less about her drama, but Goose is always making ugly faces and squealing at him. Pokey just continues to munch, munch, munch.

Magic, Tav, and Dusty were nice and wet this morning. Although I was surprised to see that Magic's tail was fluffy and dry, but the rest of him was wet! Maybe it was blowing in the wind?
Tav continues to urinate at feeding time, every time. Oddly enough he didn't do it this morning, Dusty did! Dusty stretched and urinated RIGHT WHERE Tav always does it! Weird!

Bodhi and Cas were good boys and walked together to Pasture 2. Cas was a bit snorty but was comforted by Bodhi's laid back demeanor. These two youngin's love JW, even when JW turns his butt to him in dominance.

Lots of limbs have been falling from the huge oak trees - they get so heavy when they are soaked that they finally come toppling down in a loud crash! The horses never seem bothered by it. I'll be keeping the lookout for limbs falling on fences or low-lying limbs that should be trimmed. Also because of all the rain we have a few standing puddles. But from what I hear around Gainesville, our property is very dry in comparison to most!

More to come!

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