Monday, November 30, 2009

Hot bran mash

Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday evenings everyone was blanketed with the exception of two horses (Satin and Bodhi). The lowest temperature dropped to about 36 degrees on Friday night. Each frigid morning the horses all snorkeled in their steamy hot bran mash soaked in their grain. Warm mushy goodness for their spoiled bellies.

Jedi and Ufir, the two geriatric Arabians, are getting much more tolerant of having their blankets put on, but you have to get them while their eating or the chances of you catching them is extremely slim. Many times when a horse tries to tell me something I usually listen and oblige, but in the case of the oldies, I felt that I knew better. Perhaps both Jedi and Ufir know that they would be just fine without these artificial coats, but I'd rather be over protective than have them shivering when a cold wind blows across their muscle-less bodies.
Next time you are out at the farm, take a peak at Jedi - he's finally putting on some weight after a dental float, tons of soaked grain and T&A cubes. Let me know how he looks to you!

As I mentioned above, I listen to what the horse is trying to tell me. Magic, who is a perfect gentleman when putting on his blanket, refused to let me put it on him Saturday evening. It was late, around 8:00pm, so the sun was long gone and the temp was about 50 degrees. I checked the blanket for irritants thinking he had a bad experience the last time he wore it, but found nothing. It turned out to be a fairly warm evening and didn't dip below 40.

That's not to say that if a horse decides to be ornery about something that I give him whatever he wants. It's a case by case basis.

You can be sure that your horses are toasty warm every night and getting their bellies warmed on cold mornings.

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