Wednesday, November 25, 2009

GP's blog, explained

I hope you're as excited as I am about Greener Pasture's new blog!

I try to approach managing the barn as if I was boarding here. What would I want? Ideally I would clone myself so I could spend time with my horse and also so I could be certain that my horse was receiving excellent care. Well, I can't be cloned, so I must trust that my horse is receiving loving care from someone else. That's hard! I know when I have boarded my horses I never knew for sure that my horse was being fed consistently, if she was being pushed around by other horses, or if she felt comfortable in her environment.
As horse moms and dads, we want the best for our babies and we will always worry about them!

My hope if that this blog will give you a little less worry when you're away.

What will I be writing? Basically, this blog will contain the same types of little tidbits that the "Your Horse's Notables" binder keeps track of. More personal notables such as lameness will remain in the barn binder. Your horse may not be mentioned every day, but I will be blogging about everything! You should be able to stay updated on your baby even if you can't make it to the barn!
I particularly enjoy discovering each horse's individual personality. There's no such thing as a bad horse, so even if your horse is dominant or cranky, we love them just the same! We allow the horses to be themselves, whether nervous ninnys, slow in the brain, grumpy old farts...

Starting immediately! Yay!

Me, Kathy, the barn manager lady, will be the one blogging. I feed 'em, fix their fences, fill their water, hose them down, handle them daily, and give them love every day.

Updates should be daily, so check back often!

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