Monday, December 7, 2009

Clear skies, clear eyes

The rain puddles are almost dried up here at the farm. You can be sure that on icky-weather days all the horses are getting their bellies filled with warm, mushy wheat bran. Those that get alfalfa cubes get the soaked in nice, hot water.

Dancer and Goose are still in love. Their odd relationship drama is probably due to Dancer's current estrus status. But of all the horses she could flirt with, why Goose? Perhaps because Goose is the most receptive to Dancer's advances? I'm not really sure, but I find it fascinating to think that these horses make individual choices.
Maybe it can be explained on a basic, instinctive level; Goose is an alpha mare. Dancer is a very submissive, yet maternal mare. Somehow these two personality-types compliment one another? The same theory can be applied to any horse relationship - why does one horse get along so well with another horse in particular, but not with horse "X"? Complimenting personalities? Just like humans, right?

So when choosing which horse is stalled next to who, and which horse is pastured where, I always take into account complimenting (or conflicting) personalities. Horses spend all day with each other, forage, and their pasture environment. They spend most of their time grazing, so we offer quality forage and safe, digestible, seasonal grasses. They spend part of their time resting in their pasture; under the shade of the gorgeous oaks during the summer and in a spot of sunshine in the winter. And they do all of this with the companionship of other pasture mates, so I make every effort to allow the horses to choose their friends. After all, they are the ones having to spend time with one another all day long, every day. They deserve to be allowed to make an individual choice, no?

Dancer is not pastured with Goose. I imagine that their little romance is a fleeting one and will subside as quickly as it came on. But perhaps not. And if Goose and Dancer decide to remain BFF and continue to express their desire to be together, I will gladly make arrangements to accommodate this! This is one of the best part of my jobs: making horses happy.

In that same vein, Bodhi and Casanova are very attached to JW and the few attempts I have made at changing this herd have resulted in lots of crying from all parties. I plan to give it one more try in the near future, this time with Cas and Bodhi in with Magic, Tav, and Dusty. My hope is that their new friends will act as a diatraction to their loss of their old friend, JW. However, the only way to distract JW will be to put a mare in front of him. He may be moved in with Dancer, Shellie, Betsy, and Satin. JW is retired - he deserves a harem!

If you see an old, skinny, grey-faced buckskin wandering around the barn, have no fear. Tie seems to enjoy freedom - it brightens up his demeanor. We will be allowing him to roam the barn area during the day. I will be watching him closely to see if he is bonding with any other horses. Feel free to sneak him a carrot. No one deserves a free carrot more than a late-30's starved old man!

Everyone seems to be tolerating this cold-warm-cold weather. Goopy eyes are clearing up. Runny noses drying out. Fur coats thickening.

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